Coronavirus changed the way we live during the last month in the UK and as vulnerable pensioners we have been virtually confined to our home, save for the occasional once a day walk for exercise on the beautiful East Wickham Open space which is only a few metres from us, Continue Reading
Peter Dadswell
March 2020 Blog – Awards Ceremonies, Art, Life and Death
Since I retired from my career in the music business I have always been interested in the creative aspects, the emerging composers, songwriters, performers, and the technical, legal and monetary changes that have taken place and put them alongside the relevant developments in visual art – the second of my Continue Reading
January 2020 Blog -Excitement and Disappointment
The first day of the New Year started with the online purchase from Art2arts of a small portrait (11″ x 14″) of the actress and singer, Jessie Buckley which was completed just a few months ago. I must confess I was slightly surprised as she has not received much publicity Continue Reading
December Blog – Centrepieces and Christmas
At the end of November and into the early part of December Centrepieces, a nearby charity and arts project set up to support those who have suffered with mental health problems, has had a Christmas sale and auction of artworks. The have also celebrated their 20th Anniversary this year and Continue Reading
November Blog – The Commission.
I have done many commissions in my artistic career but the latest one has been rather unusual as it entailed converting a small 12″ by 10″ picture into a much larger painting with very different dimensions, 60″ by 16″. The request was to paint something similar to the one shown Continue Reading
October Blog – Mental Health and Happiness
This month has brought back many happy memories, a few moments of sadness and a special day for my wife, Christine, whose birthday we have celebrated. Last Thursday, 10th October was World Mental Health Day and, as some of our close family and friends have suffered from depression and illness Continue Reading
September Blog
This month has flown by due to a short illness, a holiday cancellation, and a number of distractions, all of which have delayed progress on any new paintings. Fortunately I can put all these events behind me and start another chapter in my artistic activities, happy in the knowledge that Continue Reading
Pop Art And Retrospectives – August Blog
Retrospective work has been absorbing me recently and follows on from my last post when I watched a South Bank show made in 1996 about Sir Peter Blake as he looked back on his life as an artist at that time. It prompted me to review my own output over Continue Reading
Not Enough Time! – July 2019 Blog
Too much is going on in our lives at the moment and I can’t keep up with it all! I haven’t had time to exhibit this year and, in any case, I’m not confident enough in what I’ve achieved so far to show it in public. Standards are improving all Continue Reading
Why are we creative? June 2019 Blog
What makes us want to create? This is a subject I’ve given much thought to as I grow old. Is it something in our genes? Is it a search for perfection in what we do? Is it to achieve something that will last, a need for fulfilment, a quest for Continue Reading